Outright Gifts – Annual Fund

Outright Gifts – Annual Fund

Outright Gifts to BMH’s Annual Fund are the foundation of our development efforts. Annual Giving supports the day-to-day work of BMH.

You may direct your Annual Fund gift or gifts to either or both of the following:

  • BMH’s Area of Greatest Need for general operating support and improvements in patient care
  • BMH’s Uncompensated Medical Care Fund, which provides relief to those who struggle to pay for needed medical services.

Your Annual Fund gift can be made:

  • As a Tribute to a BMH staff person who has enhanced your patient experience though their excellent care
  • In Honor or Memory of a Person who has special meaning to you. The Development Office will send an acknowledgement of each commemorative gift to the person or family in whose name the gift has been made. Donors will receive acknowledgement, noting the amount of their gift for tax purposes.
  • As a Stock Transfer–For many reasons, a primary one being tax advantages, individuals choose to make their charitable gifts with stock. When making a stock gift, please make sure to notify the Development Office at 802-257-8314. Unless you notify us, we will not know the name of the generous supporter and will be unable to recognize their generosity.

Stock Transfer Instructions:

  • Account Name: Brattleboro Memorial Hospital
    National Financial Services
  • Account #: H2Y280216
  • DTC #: 0226

Matching gifts: When making a gift to BMH, remember to check with your employer to see if they match charitable contributions. This is a wonderful way to increase your support for BMH.

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