The goal of National Men’s Health Month is to remind all men about the importance of taking care of their bodies and minds. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), on average, men in the U.S. die five years earlier than women. Men also make up a larger percentage of the three leading causes of death in our country: heart disease, cancer, and unintentional injuries. Follow this link to the CDC to learn more.

At BMH we encourage men to visit their primary care provider for an annual check-up.   One reason is that causes of illness in men are easily preventable. Simple awareness of preventable health problems, early detection, and treatment can make a tremendous difference in quality of life. Early detection by routine exams such as prostate screenings, blood pressure readings, cholesterol testing, colorectal cancer screenings, and simple tests like those for blood sugar, can play an important role in staying healthy.

In addition, many of the most serious health issues faced by men can be prevented by healthier eating, regular exercise, and having an honest, open dialogue with a primary care practitioner.