Financial Assistance Program
Brattleboro Memorial Hospital is a patient-centered organization committed to treating all patients equitably, with dignity and respect regardless of the patient’s health care insurance benefits or financial resources.
Brattleboro Memorial Hospital’s Financial Assistance program is designed to assist those patients who are either uninsured, under-insured, or have limited financial resources that impact their ability to fully pay for their hospital care. When making application for Financial Assistance, patients are first asked to investigate whether or not they may be eligible for Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans’ Benefits, or other governmental or public assistance programs.
Qualifications for Financial Assistance:
- Financial Assistance is limited to emergency and medically necessary services. Please note that there are certain services that are not typically eligible for financial assistance, including, but not limited to certain elective services such as those considered cosmetic or investigational.
- Patients’ family income must be at or below 250 percent of the current Federal Poverty Income Guidelines (FPG) for their family size. Financial Assistance is granted at 100 percent of eligible balances for income at or below 250 percent of FPG, 75 percent for income between 250-300 percent of FPG, 50 percent for income between 300-350 percent of FPG, and 40 percent for income between 350-400 percent of FPG.
- Patients (or their guarantors) must complete a Financial Assistance application and provide the hospital with verification. Responsible parties may be asked to disclose the identity and amounts of any assets that could be used to pay for medical expenses. NOTE: Income verification may be waived at the discretion of the Director of Patient Financial Services or the Director of Revenue Cycle, particularly in those instances in which patients have subsequently qualified for Medicaid or are deceased with no estate.
- Financial Assistance applications will be processed within thirty (30) days of the date of their receipt in our Business Office.
- Patients have 240 days from receipt of the first bill to apply for financial assistance.
A patient who qualifies for assistance under the Financial Assistance Policy will not be charged more for emergency or medically necessary care than amounts generally billed to patients having insurance that covers such care.
Under a New State Law, Many Vermont Residents Now Qualify
for Financial Help with Their Hospital Medical Bills 
New rules in Vermont around patient financial assistance (PFA) took effect on July 1, 2024. They’re designed to help Vermont residents who are uninsured or who need help paying for out-of-pocket medical costs. All Vermont hospitals are required to:
- Use the same income and household size rules when checking to see if a patient is eligible for assistance.
- Use the same definition of who qualifies as a “Vermont resident.”
- Give minimum discounts to those who qualify.
As a result, BMH has updated its financial aid policy for people who qualify as Vermont residents. Remember–PFA is important because it can help Vermont residents pay for the medical care they need!
How to Obtain and Apply for Financial Assistance, or Get Help Applying
Copies of BMH’s Financial Assistance Application and associated instructions are available free of charge upon request at all BMH patient registration areas (including all BMH Medical Group practices). You can also access a Financial Assistance Program Application by following this link.
If you have any questions regarding our financial assistance programs, please contact our Financial Assistance Advocate at 802-257-8814.